Connieh (Jeo)

Zzzz If you're on phone I recommend you to go on a laptop or pc OR zoom out.

About me

My name is Jeo, or so-called Connieh. It's pronounced as Connie, don't add the h, it will sound horrible, The h in my NICKname is silent. For the jeo, I know some people have accents which makes my name kinda weird at some point and some are pronouncing it wrong but I respect it! It's pronounced as Jihyo, still, my h is like nowhere in my name but it is pronounced like that. My E in my name is I.My birthday is on September 22.
I'm not a fan of celebrating my birthday much, I'm such a bummer. But I do celebrate it sometimes, by simply cooking and ordering 1 cupcake because I don't like eating cakes...especially chocolate cakes..(I'm sure ill get hated for this.)
I am an INFJAny pronounce
Clearly, I'm still in question of my sexuality. Can't tell but I'm between asexual and lesbian or trans. Bffr im between THEM..
Im a Virgo.
Gosh, darnit👁
I heart Veggies
I mean who doesn't like it? I mean sure you could hate me for being a veggie-lover, just remember I'm not a vegetarian I eat meat too and pretty much I eat any type of food except the foods I haven't tried..I mean I am willing to try new food that I haven't tried!
Clearly, I have multiple personalities
It depends on who I'm talking to and which server I am. I'm different to each person...unless??
More :
I am a VERY clingy person when you're actually close to me, I really cannot lie that I LIMIT myself from being toooooo clingy to people. It's just something that had to do with my past that doesn't matter these days. Sometimes being too clingy to people is just..uncomfortable for them. Learned from the past.
I have trust issues sometimes, but now here you clicked this carrd you can see some basic infos about me.Im not up for dating.
No specific reason but i focus to myself.

About me (More)

I'm a stan.
Stan as in I love K-pop well not in a way I fan girl like those stuff, I'm more of a chill person and cool with the vibe with it. Chuu and nayeon are mostly my faves <33 bcause yes.
I've been in the fandom for 1 year and a half and witnessed those graduations I cannot FORGET. first oshi was Gawr Gura which has stunning 4 MILLION subs on Youtube, I do still support her, And by that, I do support EVERY talent of Hololive. Still doesn't beat in how I've been in the fnaf fandom for 4+ years :Cryamongus: My oshi right now is Ouro Kronii from Hololive EN gen 2 Council. Oshi means to support in Japanese not "master" "mommy" "mama" no thank you... I'm just a Vtuber enjoyer who really sticks with reality at the same time.
I don't like those terms: "Mommy" "Wife" "Daddy" and all those words not all people use to address the anime character or a person "theirs"(depends on their pronounce.) Clearly lowkey disgusting to call that specific Vtuber yours because they have a life, well fine with anime unalive drawn, animated, shaded and all those components... Hatsune Miku guy..thingy yeah...if you know you know. BUT yes,ok I respect you still even if you don't touch grass or some sh*t you do with a jar and a figurine or something else..or yeah those yes crazy stuff. But please be mature enough to understand if ever there's a drama or something else.(Open-minded)I am an author
Or should I say a writer who writes some basic shits people don't like(? depends). I write either twice a month(if I'm lucky to have motivation) or once a month. There are some ongoing fanfics I've been working on for 3 months sometimes that either makes me confused about what should i finish first. I make weird fanfics...its either a weird ship or a weird funky au...
I make Hololive fanfics, basically based on them but with aus. Plus I really like writing...but I don't like writing for someone else... + I don't like writing IRL as in I'm going to hold a pen and way. I'm more of a person who writes to itself (So selfish wtf)
art blocked
Yes, I do make simple art on my canvas that ill never post because ill never be satisfied with it. In fact, I only draw once or twice a month. I hate my drawings anyways but I do simple sketches sometimes. (I'm actually Low-KEY proud of the sketches and those traces)
I love playing games BUT these days I'm more of focusing irl or depends on what I'm doing and i have a very bad storage which is like a big problem because i cant update my game(Specially genshin which I quited 7 or 5 months ago...) and in the same time i cant download any other games because of this potato laptop.
I do 3D
Basic 3D pictures(Not NSFW) I plan to learn more about animating and making 3d models. I'm trying the best I can! I do use mikumikudance, blender and unity hub for 3D.
Sample :

Sleep time zzz

Get in touch

Some socials I have. For Wattpad, Please wait for me to post some of my fanfics there And I can be offline on some media platforms. (Online once in a blue moon only)